Still Life



With Timber*, the Still Life Company explores the forest as a theatrical playground. A space beyond any norm, a wild environment between utopias and nightmares. A place that is now terribly endangered, where the ground can, at any moment, give way.

*The cry of warning shouted by lumberjacks before a tree falls.

This narrative takes place in the heart of a forest threatened with extinction. Despite this, the characters seem to ignore the danger, until it’s too late… From an attempt to reintroduce a primate to a rain of dead birds falling to the ground, from a nature reconnection workshop to a sweltering afternoon by a muddy pond, Timber is a visual and non-verbal performance, a contemporary fable dissecting our relationship with the living.

Through its creations, the Cie Still Life unveils the precariousness of existence and the fragility of the human condition. Without words, or almost, their performances depict a world where everything is falling apart, where cracks and weaknesses are exposed, where the bodies and nerves - of both actors and spectators - are laid bare.

After exploring the need for connection with others in Flesh, Cie Still Life now examines our connection with nature, even as the habitability of our world is at risk, and every perspective is tinged with terror. Through fiction and humor, Cie Still Life plunges into the abyss to awaken our bond with the living, our fundamental need to be together.